Privacy Policy

The following policy describes the information gathering and dissemination practices for the Bradley University main website ( Other websites in the domain and other affiliated University websites/domains may have alternate privacy policies disclosed on the specific website.

Bradley University uses cookies and web analytics services to track user activity on the institution’s main website. This information is used to track overall usage and trends in user behavior as well as to personalize the experience for individual users.  By using this website you agree that we can place cookies on your device and track usage on

While visiting this website, a user may choose to provide personal information through web forms, email or other electronic means. Any personally identifiable information submitted will be used only for the purpose(s) indicated on Bradley University does not sell or lease any personal data submitted by users via this website to anyone.  Nor does Bradley University disclose to third parties any personal data submitted by users via this website without the user’s consent, except as required by law.

The Bradley University main website may contain links to other websites which are independently run outside of the domain. The University is not responsible for the privacy practices, activities, or content of such independent sites. Neither those sites, nor any content available through links from them, are screened, reviewed or endorsed by Bradley University.

Bradley University reserves the right to append or modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Users may revisit our Privacy Policy to check for updates or changes at any time.